jovheestudio humor we've probably all been in these awkward situations before. The best motivational quotes are short, snappy and embolden you to greatness. It's not just the food; These funny animal memes will have you laughing till you cry. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

Thanksgiving celebrations make for great memories. Teamwork, Everyone Doing What I Say ” -
Teamwork, Everyone Doing What I Say ” - from
How many of these funny animal memes can you relate. If someone close to you deserves a thank you, especially if they're someone who speaks fluent meme, send. Because thank you notes are so last decade—try one of these funny thank you memes instead. Repeat these motivational quotes from maya angelou, diane sawyer and more to stay inspired and get through anything. Wonder why a meme is so funny? Sharpen your wit before you sharpen your carving knife. A roundup of humorous memes about the controversy over obamacare. Sometimes a picture is worth 1,000 words, and sometimes you need to put a few more on top of i.

It wasn't too long ago when you needed to have the skill, creativity and, perhaps most importantly, a lot of idle time on your hands to make an effective meme.

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